Atlassian has become the first Australian tech company to join the RE100 initiative, targeting 100% renewable electricity for its global operations by 2025.
Led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, RE100 now brings together more than 170 of the world’s most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity.
Sam Kimmins, Head of RE100, The Climate Group, said: “As the first Australian tech company to join RE100, Atlassian is leading the way in the growing corporate push for clean power in Australia. With the price of wind and solar continuing to rapidly fall, sourcing renewables is a win-win for both emission reduction and benefits to bottom line – showing that ambitious targets for 100% renewable electricity simply make business sense. “
Mike Cannon-Brooks, CEO, Atlassian, said: “This is a massive commitment. And it’s a super-complex goal to meet. We have 3000 Atlassians, across ten locations, in seven countries around the world. In a company of this size, action like this is not easy. But we’re doing this because it’s the right thing to do.”
Sam Kimmins, Head of RE100, The Climate Group
To meet its RE100 target, Atlassian will work with energy providers to directly purchase renewables for its operations. The company already sources 100% renewable power for its Mountain View office in California.
Where working directly with suppliers to source renewable energy is not yet possible, Atlassian will purchase Energy Attribute Certificates or Renewable Energy Certificates equivalent to 100% of energy consumption.
Atlassian will also focus on cutting reducing energy use in its buildings, ensuring the renewable electricity it sources is as efficiently used as possible. This process involves both innovation and behavioral change, such as designing workspaces that reduce the need for artificial light and encourage employees to reduce waste.
The potential for corporate sourcing of renewables in Australia continues to grow as investment in clean power ramps up. In 2018, renewables investment in Australia totaled more than AUD$20 billion.